
Monday, April 1, 2013

Everyone Has That Special Someone

So at first I wasn't really sure of how to do this blog or what to write about.. I knew we had to make it about what makes life worth living but how do I put that in a blog? I guess I figured it out last night on my first blog post. I started out talking about my new car and ended up talking about my mom..

For me, what makes my life worth living, what makes me smile every day, and what motivates me to push forward are the people in my life.

So I decided to make my blog posts about these people!
Since I'm doing this on my phone I'm not sure how to put the pictures where I want them but this guy in the picture is my boyfriend Isaac:)

Ya I know, I've heard it before: you're only 17, you're still in highschool, you're gonna meet so many other guys. Uhh thanks for the reminder, I already know that!  Lol I don't want you thinking I'm some stupid teen like "omg i love my boo we're gonna be together forever!<3" but he does mean a lot to me.

I use to be in a very unhealthy, abusive relationship. My ex boyfriend use to cuss at me, lie to me, cheat on me, hit me, and treat me like dirt. I got so use to it I guess I forgot what a normal relationship was. Now I've been shown how I'm suppose to be treated and I feel like I'm actually worth something.

I've known Isaac since I was little and never in a million years would I have ever seen us together. But God works in mysterious ways, he must have put him in my life for a reason! I am truly blessed to have him:)

He helps me keep my head on straight and reminds me of simple things.. even though I'm sure he doesn't know he's doing it. Like for example I complain about my job 25/8 , or I complain about not having enough of this or that. He reminds me I need to be thankful for the shit that I do got and not worry about the shit I don't got..

I can keep going on about this but I think my post is getting too long and ur probably tired of reading ahah.. so ya that's it for now.. until next time!

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