
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ok so I'm not sure if you're wondering why I made the name of my blog "The Not-So-Average" life of me but if you are, this is how I see it..

I am seventeen years old. I have a full time job and not only that but I live in a room with my mom and sister, neither of which have a job. My sister has a mental illness that alters her perception of reality. I use to live with an abusive boyfriend. I've lived through a bunch of bullshit and I am currently a senior that is going to graduate and go to UCR.

I can't even recall how many times I have told myself life is not worth living but everytime I'm about to give up it's like God places angels right in front of me to keep me going. I know there are many many other people out there with lives that are a thousand times worse and I'm not trying to whine about mine. But I also know that I don't have what most would call a normal lifestyle.  If anything,  I'm glad I've been through everything I have because it has made me the strong young woman I am today.

One day I want to be one of the people I have told you about to someone else. I want to be that person that gives some struggling kid hope and strength to push forward and pursue their dreams.

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